Real Housewives Naija: 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Delta OWO soup and Starch

Starch and Owo is one of the main dish eaten by the Delta people especially the urhobo’s, some other states eat it also. This is one way it can be prepared.

Crayfish, Big crayfish
Palm oil
Salt, magi, dry pepper
Dry fish, Meat.

Soak the garri in a bowl, little quantity 1 cup depending on the soup quantity. Keep pouring the water left on top of the soaked garri until the garri looks smooth then live some water in it until it is soft. Smash the potash till it becomes smooth, clean the dry fish and boil the meat.
Put water in the pot and place on fire, add crayfish/big crayfish, dry fish, meat the soaked garri and dry pepper. Stir the garri and keep stiring to avoid the garri turning into blocks . Add the potash now if it is not smooth or wait till the soup is ready to be dropped from heat then reduced the heat after adding the akaun to avoid boiling out of the pot. Add salt, maggi, allow to boil for 10mins and drop the soup. The last thing to do is add the palm oil, small quantity stir and voila your owo soup is ready. Simple and quick right? Best served with starch, yam or unripe plantain. Give it a try!

Most people find it difficult to make starch, but it is simple to make, just like Amala. Here is my way of making seedless smooth starch.

Boil water and set aside, then smash the starch with your hands and mix with small quantity of water like making Akamu, add a spoon or more depending on the quantity to the mixed starch and pour the boiled water into the starch, reasonable quantity then put on fire, now here’s the trick, keep stirring while on fire till the starch becomes thick and that’s it people your seedless starch is ready.

Pictures after the cut

Friday, November 4, 2016

Style Your Mum-Volume 2

Hello beautiful people. A lot of persons have been waiting patiently for this collection, a continuation of the first previously posted. Well wait no further as styling your mum or looking for good styles for our mamas has never been this easy. Enjoy!

photo credit: instagram @fakfashionhome

photo credit: instagram @fakfashionhome

photo credit: instagram @fakfashionhome

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hairstyles for Your Little Girls-Vol 1

Whether your girl is 1year or above, mothers have a way of making them beautiful by styling their hair. It could be a simple or complex style as long as it looks good and attract compliments. Their hair can be styled for Church, Party, School or outings. Here are some styles for women who want a collection to select from. 
photo credit: pinterest @shonny

photo credit: pinterest @babystyles

photo credit:instagram @hairbyminklittle

Friday, October 21, 2016

How to Get Rid of Odour from Our Sensitive Areas

Many women think their private part should be odorless, but as with everywhere else on our body, it actually has a scent that can be fairly complex. If that scent becomes unpleasant, though, it could indicate a problem.
Here are the five most common causes of unpleasant vaginal odor, and (where relevant) how they're treated.

1. Infection
The most common explanation for an unpleasant vaginal odor is an infection called bacterial vaginosis. No one knows what causes it; the infectious agent or agents have yet to be identified. Signs that you might have it include a fishy odor, as well as a thin white or gray discharge and a burning sensation while urinating or having intercourse. The infection is likely transmitted sexually and is treated with specific antibiotics.

Another possible cause is trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by a protozoan parasite. The infection often doesn’t cause symptoms, but if it does they might include yellow or green, frothy discharge that may smell fishy, as well as burning with urination and intercourse. It is effectively treated with a single dose of antibiotics.
A yeast infection can cause a yeast-like smell and a thick, white discharge, as well as itching, soreness, and burning during urination and intercourse. It occurs when yeast, which are normally present in the vagina, overgrow. That often occurs after taking antibiotics that kill bacteria, which allows the yeast to grow without competition from the “good” bacteria that normally keep them in check. That’s one more reason to take antibiotics only if needed. Yeast infections are treated with antifungal medication. They are not sexually transmitted.

2. Hormonal changes
Vaginal secretions during menstruation and between ovulation and your next period may have a more unpleasant odor than those during other parts of the cycle, according to some older research. Another potential hormonal cause is menopause, during which reduced estrogen levels cause vaginal tissue to thin and become less acidic. Many women undergoing menopause notice a smelly, watery discharge. If the smell causes you distress, your doctor may prescribe topical estrogen, which usually eliminates the odor in a few weeks. Since estrogen vaginal cream is absorbed to a small extent into the bloodstream, it should only be used after discussing the pros and cons with your physician.

Making Income as a Housewife

Being a housewife or stay at home mum doesn’t mean you cannot make income while at it, it only means you are not on an 8am-5pm schedule work. Women generally are good multitasking beings, we can take care of the home affairs, manage our husband’s, kids and still do something productive to earn income without breaking down, that’s how we were created. The woman is the man’s helpmate, In Proverbs 31:10-31 one of the ways a virtuous women was described is  one who is hardworking, there was even a mention of knitting there as one of the things she does ” She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.  She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant”. So you get it right? You have to come out of your comfort zone and be creative in whatever area you think you can thrive well.
 I know that having to run a home is very demanding on our time and also tasking but I am very sure it is possible, as many women do it and no matter how little the income may be, it is something and trust me, your husband will be proud of you and happy .
A lot of women out there may be confused as to what they can get into that will fetch them income or what it takes to start a particular idea they have in mind. Well this post should cover a great area and answer most of your questions or doubts and also give you ideas or add to the ones you already have. I have outline 3 Categories which include

HAND-WORK: These are trades or work you learnt either from your parents or from an expert for example Hair making, Tailoring, Baking and production.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Domestic Violence Against Housewives

Domestic violence? I don’t see anything domestic about those 2 words, violence is violence and should not be seen as light, no individual loves to be violated. Well it is seen as domestic violence because it is an abuse involved in a relationship or marriage. Some call it family violence or battering or abuse in the home. It involves a man having a specific pattern of behavior geared by uncontrolled anger to abuse his wife or girlfriend or even children. Some forms of abuse include hitting, flogging, in general physical abuse, verbal abuse to partner and family, emotional, economic, religious, locking up or slavery acts, sexual abuse. If you notice i have been writing in one pattern as in man against women, this is because from origin domestic violence has been done against women only in very rare occasion that the reverse is the case.
Hmm, i think this article should be mostly for the men, I’ll address the women towards the end
Some men hit their wives as a means for correction, others only when provoked by the women and many have uncontrolled anger. How do men feel while committing this act of abuse? I mean by the nature women were created from men....out of their ribs and completely obvious men are stronger. So with such meekness a women posses in her a man will comfortable fight and cause damages to her. Same women you sort after to marry, same woman who bore children for you, same woman who sacrifices for you? And after all damages sorry is the last resort. In my opinion men should talk to their wives, i guess they are friends (husband and wife) and if your wife loves you especially when it’s not the first time you mentioned  whatever you talked with her about then she’ll change. Otherwise once you are getting so angered to the point of hitting, please take a stroll or go to bed if it is so late and then give her silent treatment or cut down some of her privileges till she behaves appropriately rather that battering her. Some women out of shock might even die. Do you want to be a widower and a man who killed his wife?
There may be cases where the man says never like infidelity, in my opinion please separate from her rather than killing her. I do not advocate for divorce or separation but infidelity is totally wrong. It is adultery and one of the Ten Commandments, do you not fear God? No good woman will commit such acts
Women go through a lot, you can read so many articles on this and see what pains women go through. They go through daily trauma, are emotionally broken, enter into shock that might take them sometime to re-adjust after the event, depression, feelings of hopelessness, weight/appetite loss, unkempt look, unexpected crying, less i forget-physical bruises like black/red eyes, bruises, crippled in sever case, shortness of breath, hearing/seeing loss, miscarriage/early delivery, knife wounds, fainting and above all start living in fear in a place meant to be home because abuse can cause a great impact in the persons way of thinking and impact how the individual acts.
What about the children who watch or listen while this is going on? There is a bold statement been written in the hearts, something they will hardly forget, you know children have this strong recalling memory and it is not good to damage their memory with bad attitudes and behaviour since we are their first model.
I did not write about coping in domestic violence because it can be avoided.
Now women our mothers will tell us to pray, be patient, be submissive. Most women who are affected will tell you if you have the opportunity to interview or gist with them that they are submissive and patient and pray, so the question is what’s going on? Here’s my opinion again, I think you have to know very well you are married to, how he takes to things and how controllable his anger is, every marriage is different and so is the man’s tolerance. I have always said in any relationship be it buyer-seller, boyfriend-girlfriends, parents-children, husband-wife.... There is only fight when there is an opponent. If you as the wife refuse to be an opponent, then the fight is cancelled. If your husband insults you and family keep mute, if he is gearing for a slap or hitting, do not dare [most women especially first timers in this abuse thing have so much confidence that their husbands won’t hit them and they dare him and finally it occurs, so do not dare him] Anything he wants at that beastly time of his, obey and them retire to sleep. As far as you are totally clean and its merely a misunderstanding issue, silence really pays, he may think you are a fool but in his quiet time he will feel bad even if he doesn’t come to apologize as in some cases and save yourself been physically damaged because at the end of the day its your body and these damages will tell at old age. Be Informed!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Mother-Daughter Combo....Vol 1

We all know how daughters cling to their fathers and sons to their mothers right? Well we mothers know how to style and girls. There are just so many styles for them. Am sharing some mother daughters to matches wears. Enjoy these collections.

Share your thoughts on what you think about these mum daughter styles in the comment section.
Thanks and God Bless.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Style your Mom-Volume 1

Have you ever thought of styling your mum and then you look for styles but can’t find the one that she likes, Out there now fashion is filled with majorly styles for the young. Look through this volume 1 collection of styles for moms and pick something nice for your mum. It is simple, elegant and modest.

@noviannated #asoebibella







Tuesday, June 7, 2016


As a new mum or a mother, there’s always this hype about your child’s first birthday. Whether you celebrate it or not you have that memory of his/her first birthday and how it was marked or remembered. For me, having your baby’s first birthday should not be an overwhelming thing, i know your baby first birthday is bound to be special and that is why both parents should pray for the child or children( in case of multiple children) and take them to church if the circumstance permits. Then if you are throwing a party afterwards or having a small intimate gathering of invited guest and family here are some tips to keep that day memorable without overwhelming yourself or child.
  1. Keep it simple, invite neighbours, relatives, fellow parents and close friends because too many strange faces may scare your child, i mean you want a happy baby for those pictures. And let the party be short 1-2 hours don’t want to get your baby and other children cranky otherwise you may end up having a bunch of crying babies. Food made should be friendly for children most preferably small chops or biscuits, sandwiches, ice cream, etc. And then  rice or swallows for the adults.
  2. Small party with fewer decorations: This is the best at this age, no need for mature party themes, and go for cartoon characters, hanging paper toys like planes, use party hats for added colour.
  3. Party Venue: I say celebrate in your home, either indoor or with canopy outside...Remember how your first birthday party was from the pictures shown to you, it was always at home. But if your home or compound is not big enough, you can use an amusement park or child play space or a restaurant but i tell you doing it at home save cost and it makes your child more comfortable since he is familiar with the environment. That is why i suggest less crowd by keeping it simple.
  4. Activities to get the children invited engaged:  Dancing competition with candy for winners, guessing nursery rhymes, ask someone it could be a friend or family member posing as the mc to read or sing the nursery rhyme

Safety Tips for the Party
Keep all breakables away
Clear the home of anything children can ingest that will harm them
Create a play space and keep toys there so that you can see the children playing with them
After party sterilize the toys, wash the ones that are stuffed with cloth

Don’t forget
Bake cake for baby it will make her picture even more colourful, then you can serve cupcake to guest.
Buy baby a special gift here are some ideas; Building blocks, push toys like the sit to stand baby walker or the push wagon, toy phone, toys with sounds, teddy bears.

Give guest children souvenirs like a fancy bag with story book and cupcakes or back to school essentials

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Good Wife-Prayer Battle Day 28-30

DAY 28
Fighting your husband about his perception of himself won’t change anything. If your husband’s self image needs a makeover, pray and be patient for changes which may not happen overnight.

Lord, I pray that (your husband’s name) will find his identity in You. Help him to understand his worth through Your eyes and by Your standards. May he recognize the unique qualities You’ve placed in him and be able to appreciate them. Enable him to see himself the way You see him, understanding that You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet (Psalm 8:4-6). Quiet the voices that tell him otherwise and give him ears to hear Your voice telling him that it will not be his perfection that gets him through life successfully, it will be Yours.
Reveal to him that he is the image and glory of God (1 Corinthians 11:7), and he is complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). Give him the peace and security of knowing that he is accepted, not rejected, by You. Free him from the self-focus and self-consciousness that can imprison his soul. Help him to see who YOU really are so he’ll know who HE really is. May his true self-image be the image of Christ stamped upon his soul.

·         Romans 8:29
·         2 Corinthians 3:18
·         Colossians 3:9,10
·         James 1;23-25
·         Isaiah 60:1

DAY 29
To a certain extent everyone lives by faith, but we also have times of doubt. Pray for your husband that in his time of doubt, he would have an ever increasing faith that will make a big difference in his life.

Lord, I pray that you will give (your husband’s name) an added measure of faith today. Enlarge his ability to believe in You, Your Word, Your promises, Your ways, and Your power. Put a longing in His heart to talk with You and hear Your voice. Give him and understanding of what it means to bask in Your presence and not just ask for things. May he seek You, rely totally upon You, be led by You, put You first, and acknowledge You in everything he does.
Lord, You’ve said that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). Feed his soul with Your Word so his faith grows big enough to believe that with You all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Give him unfailing certainty that what You’ve promised to do, You will do (Romans 4:21). Make his faith a shield of protection. Put it into action to move the mountains in his life. Your Word says, the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17); I pray that he will live the kind of faith-filled life You’ve called us all to experience. May he know with complete certainty how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You (Psalm 31:19).

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Good Wife-Prayer Battle Day 25-27

DAY 25
Many men have fallen into temptation and they cover up with pride and the inability to say the truth, confess and repent. Pray that your husband be convicted of his sin, to humbly confess it before God, then turn from his error and cease to do it.

Lord, I pray that You would convict my husband of any error in his life. Let there be “nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known (Matthew 10:26). Cleanse him from any secret sins and reach him to be a person who is quick to confess when he is wrong (Psalm 19:12). Help him to recognize his mistakes. Give him eyes to see Your truth and ears to hear Your voice. Bring him to full repentance before You. If there is suffering to be done, let it be the suffering of a remorseful heart and not because the crushing hand of the enemy has found an opening into his life through unconfessed sin. Lord, I know that humility must come before honor (Proverbs 15:33). Take away all pride that would cause him to deny his faults and work into his soul a humility of heart so that he will receive the honor You have for him.

·         1 John 3:21,22
·         Proverbs 28:13
·         Psalm 139:23,24; 32:3-5
·         2 Timothy 2:24-26

DAY 26
There are some certain lifestyle your husband may be living which is morally wrong, it may be something new or an old lifestyle that has pulled him into bondage as though he cannot do without. Pray he is delivered and set free

Lord, You have said to call upon You in the day of trouble and You will deliver us (Psalm 50:15). I call upon You now and ask that You would work deliverance in my husband’s life. Deliver him from anything that binds him. Set him free from (name a specific thing). Deliver him quickly and be a rock of refuge, a fortress of defence to save him (Psalm 31:2). Lift him away from the hands of the enemy (Psalm 31:15).
Bring him to a place of understanding where he can recognize the work of evil and cry out to You for help. If the deliverance he prays for isn’t immediate, keep him from discouragement and help him to be confident that You have begun a good work in him and will complete it (Philippians 1:6). Give him the certainty that even in his most hopeless state, when he finds it impossible to change anything, You, Lord, can change everything.
Help him understand that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). I pray that he will be strong in the Lord and put on the whole armor of God, so he can stand against the wiles of the devil in the evil day. Help him to gird his waist with truth and put on the breastplate of righteousness, having shod his feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Enable him to take up the shield of faith, with which to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. I pray that he will take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful and standing strong to the end (Ephesians 6:13-18).

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Good Wife-Prayer Battle Day 22-24

DAY 22
Emotions are strong feelings that are usually expressed. Some men have emotions filled with anger and most women tend to live with them that way, causing them to act in fear rather than love.
Anger, jealousy and depression are 3 negative emotions that can torment a man’s soul, don’t watch your husband be manipulated by his emotions. Pray that your husband’s emotions be controlled by the Holy Spirit and not himself, freedom may just be a prayer away.

Lord, You have said in Your Word that You redeem our souls when we put our trust in You (Psalm 34:22). I pray that (your husband’s name) would have faith in You to redeem his soul from negative emotions. May he never be controlled by depression, anger, anxiety, jealousy, hopelessness, fear, or suicidal thoughts. Specifically I pray about (area of concern). Deliver him from this and all other controlling emotions (Psalm 40:17). I know that only You can deliver and heal, but use me as Your instrument of restoration. Help me not to be pulled down with him when he struggles. Enable me instead to understand and have words to say that will bring life.
Free him to share his deepest feelings with me and others who can help. Liberate him to cry when he needs to and not bottle his emotions inside. At the same time, give him the gift of laughter and ability to find humor in even serious situations. Teach him to take his eyes off his circumstances and trust in You, regardless of how he is feeling. Give him patience to possess his should and the ability to take charge of it (Luke 21:19). Anoint him with the oil of joy (Isaiah 61:3), refresh him with Your Spirit, and set him free from negative emotions this day.

·         Proverbs 28;26
·         Psalm 33:18-19; 40:1-3; 23:3; 34:22

DAY 23
A man’s walk is his direction or focus in life, basically the way he journeys through life. Every day he chooses a path that will launch him forward. And the way he journeys affect every part of his life…, friends, co-workers, etc
We are to walk with moral correctness, walk without fault, walk with godly advisor, walk in obedience, walk with people of wisdom, walk with integrity, and most of all walk a path of holiness. Pray for your husband to walk in the right direction through life.

O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps (Jeremiah 10:23). Therefore, Lord, I pray that YOU would direct my husband’s steps. Lead him in YOUR light, teach him YOUR way, so he will walk in YOUR truth. I pray that he would have a deeper walk with You and an ever progressing hunger for Your Word. May Your presence be like a delicacy he never ceases to crave. Lead him on Your path and make him quick to confess when he strays from it. Reveal to him any hidden sin that would hinder him from walking rightly before you. May he experience deep repentance when he doesn't live in obedience to Your laws. Create in him a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within him. Don’t cast him away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from him (Psalm 51:10,11).
Lord Your Word says that those who are in the flesh cannot please You (Romans 8:8). So I pray that You will enable (your husband’s name) to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh and thereby keep himself from the paths of the destroyer (Psalm 17:4). As he walks in the Spirit, may he bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). Keep him on the Highway of Holiness so that the way he walks will be integrated into every part of his life.

·         Ephesians 4;1-2
·         Isaiah 33:15-16
·         2 Corinthians 7:1
·         Psalm 15:1,2; 101:6

DAY 24
Some men are fond of bragging about what they can and will do but never do them, such men hardly get anywhere. I believe in less talk, more action with a constructive plan. Pray that your husband’s heart to be convicted by the Holy Spirit, and teach him a new way to talk.

Lord, I pray Your Holy Spirit would guard my husband’s mouth so that he will speak only words that edify and bring life. Help him to not be a grumbler, complainer, a user of foul language, or one who destroys with his words, but be disciplined enough to keep his conversation godly. Your Word says a man who desires a long life must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit (Psalm 34:12-13). Show him how to do that. Fill him with Your love so that out of the overflow of his heart will come words that build up and not tear down. Work that in my heart as well.
May Your spirit of love reign in the words we speak so that we don’t miscommunicate or wound one another. Help us to show each other respect, speak words that encourage, share our feelings openly, and come to mutual agreements without strife. Lord, You’ve said in Your Word that when two agree, You are in their midst. I pray that the reverse be true as well – that You will be in our midst so that we two can agree. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer (Psalm 19:14).

·         Ephesians 4:29
·         Matthew 12:36; 15:18
·         Psalm 34:12,13
·         Ecclesiastes 10;12

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Good Wife-Prayer Battle Day 19-21

DAY 19
We all have past experiences and in life you get the best when we learn from our pasts rather than living in it. Forget those things which are behind and reach forward for those things which are ahead. Dwelling in the past not only affects you but also your children especially if it is your husband living in the past. Be patient and pray that your husband does not listen to the voice of the past

Lord, I pray that You would enable (your husband’s name) to let go of his past completely. Deliver him from any hold it has on him. Help him to put off his former conduct and habitual ways of thinking about it and be renewed in his mind (Ephesians 4:22,23). Enlarge his understanding to know that you make all things new (Revelation 21:5). Show him a fresh, Holy Spirit-inspired way of relating to negative things that have happened. Give him the mind of Christ so that he can clearly discern Your voice from the voices of the past. When he hears those old voices, enable him to rise up and shut dthem down with the truth of Your Word. Where he has formerly experienced rejection or pain, I pray he not allow them to color what he sees and hears now. Pour forgiveness into his heart so that bitterness, resentment, revenge, and unforgiveness will have no place there. May he regard the past as only a history lesson and not a guide for his daily life. Wherever his past has become and unpleasant memory, I pray You would redeem it and bring life out of it. Bind up his wounds (Psalm 147:3). Restore his soul (Psalm 23:3). Help him to release the past so that he will not live in it, but learn from it, break out of it, and move into the future you have for him.

·         Isaiah 43:18,19
·         2 Corinthians 5:17; 4:16

DAY 20
No one truly wants to be known with a bad attitude. If you have a family member who has bad attitude, rather than reacting to their negativity, pray about it. And if your husband has bad attitude, use your prayers to soften his heart, pray that his heart becomes pure and have a cheerful countenance.

Lord, fill (your husband’s name) with Your love and peace today. May there be a calmness, serenity, and sense of well-being established in him because his life is God-controlled rather than self-controlled. Enable him to walk in his house with a clean and perfect heart before You (Psalm 101:2). Shine the light of Your Spirit upon him and fill him with Your love. I pray that he will be kind and patient, not selfish or easily provoked. Enable him to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things (1 Corinthians 13:7). Release him from anger, unrest, anxiety, concerns, inner turmoil, strife, and pressure. May he not be broken in spirit because of sorrow (Proverbs 15:15), but enjoy the continual feast of a merry heart. Give him a spirit of joy and keep him from growing into a grumpy old man. Help him to be anxious for nothing, but give thanks in all things so he can know the peace that passes all understanding. May he come to the point of saying, I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content (Phillipians 4:11). I say to (your husband’s name) this day, The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His continence upon you, and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Good Wife-Prayer Battle Day 16-18

DAY 16
We wives always want to top in your husband’s lists of priorities after God, but men have different ideas of what their priorities should be. It is not easy setting your priorities in order. You also should keep your husband at the top of your priorities too. The simple little things you do shows him he is top in your list. On the other hand you should pray you are on top of his priorities.

God, I proclaim You Lord over my life. Help me to seek You first every day and set my priorities in perfect order. Reveal to me how to properly put my husband before children, work, family, friends, activities, and interests. Show me what I can do right now to demonstrate to him that he has this position in my heart. Mend the times I have caused him to doubt that. Tell me how to prioritize everything so that whatever steals life away, or has no lasting purpose, will not occupy my time.
I pray for my husband’s priorities to be in perfect order as well. Be Lord and Ruler over his heart. Help him to choose a simplicity of life that will allow him to have time alone with You, Lord, a place to be quiet to Your presence every day. Speak to him about making Your Word, prayer, and praise a priority. Enable him to place me and our children in greater prominence in his heart than career, friends, and activities. I pray he will seek You first and submit his all to You, for when he does I know the other pieces of his life will fit together perfectly.

·         Matthew 6:33; 6:24; 13:45,46; 4:10
·         Philippians 2:4

DAY 17
The influences of good friends keep us in the right path. As they say birds of the same feathers flock together. During marriage class we were taught not to keep singles as our dear friends and the married ones we keep should be morally upright with good reputations. Pray bad friends and influences away from your marriage, pray about all your husband’s relationship, relationship with his parents, brothers/sisters, uncle/aunties, cousins, coworkers, neighbors, friends.

Lord, I pray for (husband’s name) to have good, godly male friends with whom he can openly share his heart. May they be trustworthy men of wisdom who will speak truth into his life and not just say what he wants to hear (Proverbs 28:23). Give him the discernment to seprate himself from anyone who will not be a good influence (1 Corinthians 5:13). Show him the importance of godly friendships and help me encourage him to sustain them. Give us believing married couples with whom we can feel comfortable sharing our lives.
I pray for strong, peaceful relationships with each of his family members, neighbors, acquaintances, and coworkers. Today I specifically pray for his relationship with (name of person). Inspire open communicationa dnmutual acceptance between them. Let there be reconcilationw here there has been estrangement. Work peace into anything that needs to be worked out.
I pray that in his heart he will live long and be blessed in his life (Exodus 20:12). Enable him to be a forgiving person and not carry grudges or hold things in his heart against others. Lord, You’ve said in Your Word that he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes (1 John 2:11). I pray that my husband would never be blinded by the darkness of unforgiveness, but continually walk in the light of forgiveness. May he not judge or show contempt for anyone but remember that we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ (Romans 14:10). Enable him to love his enemies, bless those who curse him, do good to those who hate him, and pray for those who spitefully use him and persecute him (Matthew 5:44). I pray that I will be counted as his best friend and that our friendship with one another will continue to grow. Show him what it means to be a true friend and enable him to be one.

·         Hebrews 10:24,25;
·         Matthew 5:23,24
·         1 John 1:7
·         Luke 17:3,4
·         John 13:34-35

DAY 18
Been a father is one of the best things that can ever happen to a man, and they fear not been able to be a good father.  Most men do not recognize their importance to their children, they feel it’s just providing the money, it is more than that. There should be a good relationship between them. Pray for your husband to have a greater understanding of his heavenly father’s love.

Lord, teach (husband’s name) to be a good father. Where it was not modeled to him according to Your ways, heal those areas and help him to forgive his dad. Give him revelation of You and a hunger in his heart to really know You as his heavenly Father. Draw him close to spend time in Your presence so he can become more like You, and fully understand Your Father’s heart of compassion and love toward him. Grow that same heart in him for his children. Help him to balance mercy, judgment, and instruction the way You do. Through You require obedience, You are quick to acknowledge a repentant heart. Make him that way, too. Show him when to discipline and how. Help him to see that he who loves his child disciplines him promptly (Proverbs 13:24). May he never provoke his children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord (Ephisians 6:4). I pray we will be united in the rules we set for our children and be in full agreement as to how they are raised. I pray that there will be no strife or argument over how to handle them and the issues that surround their lives.
Give him skills of communication with his children. I pray he will not be stern, hard, cruel, cold, abusive, noncommunicative, passive, critical, weak, uninterested, neglectful, undependable, or uninvolved. Help him instead to be kind, loving, soft-hearted, warm, interested, affirming, affectionate, involved, strong consistent, dependable, verbally communicative, understanding, and patient. May he require and inspire his children to honor him as their father so that their lives will be long and blessed.
Lord, I know we pass a spiritual inheritance to our children. Let the heritage he passes on be one rich in the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. Enable him to model clearly a walk of submission to Your laws. May he delight in his children and long to grow them up Your way. Being a good father is something he wants very much. I pray that You would give the desire of his heart.

·         Proverbs 17:6; 3:12; 23:24; 29:17
·         2 Corinthians 6:18

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian