Real Housewives Naija: October 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

How to Get Rid of Odour from Our Sensitive Areas

Many women think their private part should be odorless, but as with everywhere else on our body, it actually has a scent that can be fairly complex. If that scent becomes unpleasant, though, it could indicate a problem.
Here are the five most common causes of unpleasant vaginal odor, and (where relevant) how they're treated.

1. Infection
The most common explanation for an unpleasant vaginal odor is an infection called bacterial vaginosis. No one knows what causes it; the infectious agent or agents have yet to be identified. Signs that you might have it include a fishy odor, as well as a thin white or gray discharge and a burning sensation while urinating or having intercourse. The infection is likely transmitted sexually and is treated with specific antibiotics.

Another possible cause is trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by a protozoan parasite. The infection often doesn’t cause symptoms, but if it does they might include yellow or green, frothy discharge that may smell fishy, as well as burning with urination and intercourse. It is effectively treated with a single dose of antibiotics.
A yeast infection can cause a yeast-like smell and a thick, white discharge, as well as itching, soreness, and burning during urination and intercourse. It occurs when yeast, which are normally present in the vagina, overgrow. That often occurs after taking antibiotics that kill bacteria, which allows the yeast to grow without competition from the “good” bacteria that normally keep them in check. That’s one more reason to take antibiotics only if needed. Yeast infections are treated with antifungal medication. They are not sexually transmitted.

2. Hormonal changes
Vaginal secretions during menstruation and between ovulation and your next period may have a more unpleasant odor than those during other parts of the cycle, according to some older research. Another potential hormonal cause is menopause, during which reduced estrogen levels cause vaginal tissue to thin and become less acidic. Many women undergoing menopause notice a smelly, watery discharge. If the smell causes you distress, your doctor may prescribe topical estrogen, which usually eliminates the odor in a few weeks. Since estrogen vaginal cream is absorbed to a small extent into the bloodstream, it should only be used after discussing the pros and cons with your physician.

Making Income as a Housewife

Being a housewife or stay at home mum doesn’t mean you cannot make income while at it, it only means you are not on an 8am-5pm schedule work. Women generally are good multitasking beings, we can take care of the home affairs, manage our husband’s, kids and still do something productive to earn income without breaking down, that’s how we were created. The woman is the man’s helpmate, In Proverbs 31:10-31 one of the ways a virtuous women was described is  one who is hardworking, there was even a mention of knitting there as one of the things she does ” She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.  She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant”. So you get it right? You have to come out of your comfort zone and be creative in whatever area you think you can thrive well.
 I know that having to run a home is very demanding on our time and also tasking but I am very sure it is possible, as many women do it and no matter how little the income may be, it is something and trust me, your husband will be proud of you and happy .
A lot of women out there may be confused as to what they can get into that will fetch them income or what it takes to start a particular idea they have in mind. Well this post should cover a great area and answer most of your questions or doubts and also give you ideas or add to the ones you already have. I have outline 3 Categories which include

HAND-WORK: These are trades or work you learnt either from your parents or from an expert for example Hair making, Tailoring, Baking and production.