Real Housewives Naija: Trying to Conceive?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Trying to Conceive?

Are you still trying to conceive? God gives children, they are gifts from God. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while now and it has not yet happened, don’t panic, relax and be patient. I attended a baby dedication few weeks back and the couple had just had twin boys after trying for 20 years, yes 20 years so keep trying, have faith and never lose hope, you have to believe it will happen. Some women actually don’t know how it happens, i say this because i spoke with two ladies who are about to be married and both were ignorant about ovulation, i had to enlighten them on it. You can only get pregnant when you have sex during your ovulation and fertile period (which are two days before and after your ovulation) Information is power, here are some things you should know while you are still trying

  • See your doctor, get an all round health check and let your doctor know if you are on any medication
  • If you are taking birth control pills, stop ahead of time
  • Reduce stress and care for/prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. do not over work yourself, eat healthy because stress can fertility, pregnancy and baby health
  • Know when you ovulate, this is the main thing. you must know when you ovulate, if you don't and you don’t want to be stressed with calculating and keeping dates, you can try an ovulation calculator or ovulation predictor kit  to do the work for you, and chart your circle.
  • Have sex regularly mostly before and after ovulation, and don't make it seem like a job.
  • Most women say taking a prenatal vitamin like folic acid or pregnacare is also good but confirm with your doctor before taking any drugs. Folic acid is good for baby, it prevents defects in their head and spines
  • If your pregnancy test returns negative, keep trying, do not panic
  • Stop some certain lifestyle like taking alcohol, smoking, excessive coffee, also clear up your diet, the kind of drugs you take and avoid too much sugary food.
Just to throw more info I’ll talk about cycles and ovulation for those who still got questions on it.

Your cycle is normal if it is between the average of 28-32 days it may not be consistently 28 days on the dot but at least you don’t see your period every two weeks or skipping months. If you skip months or see it every two weeks, see your doctor or preferably gynaecologists. To know how many days your cycle lasts count from the first day of your current period to the first day of your next period, do this for 3 months and discover how many days your circle is. Some women with short cycles get pregnant during their period for example a 21 days cycle. That is why it is important you know yours.

This is usually the middle of your cycle. The your fertile days are 5 in a month.....your ovulation day, two days before that day and two days after, this is because sperm can last up to 72 hours inside and the egg released during ovulation 48 hours. It’s best your have sex every time most especially those 5 days. To take pregnancy test after trying wait until your period has been delayed for at least 3 days.

If you have an ipad or an android phone, make use of OVIA APP. It is very effective and it will do all the calculative work for you, no worries.

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