Decided to talk about what we all face...stress.
Remember the first few weeks after birth say 5-6 weeks when you have to
change your sleeping schedule to your baby's? they sleep peacefully during the
day and stay awake almost through the night, sometimes all through. it wasn't
easy i guess, for me i simply changed my sleeping schedule to hers.
As they grow they change back to sleeping at night and play during the
day, now you are their playmate and you must not spend 2secs not giving them
attention, they don't know if you have to clean up, cook or rest. in this case
i wait until baby's nap time to carry out other duties around the house and
also to update my blog.
Understand it is not only exhaustion for you but also for baby, imagine
how they feel when they can’t express themselves, the only way they try to tell
you how they feel is to cry and then you as the parent try to understand, most
time we rush to feed them or rock them to sleep which may not be what they
want. In fact if it were you how would you feel? Also the pains they feel while
teething, even when they stay up late and you feel you are the one stressed
alone, that’s not true because they too are also stressed and that’s why they
sleep longer at day time to relax and not feel cranky.
Whether you are a working class or stay at home mum, male or female,
adult or child believe it we all go through stress. If you think you don't, ask
yourself this sincere question within the past year, month, week, day, have you
not felt stressed? Some persons may ask, do housewives go through stress? Since
they don’t work or report to anyone like in an office setting. My response to
such persons is always same-why don’t you switch places for 1 week and find
Well in one way or the other i have gone through stress. Here is the
thing about stress it can come in any form for example been stuck up in
traffic, finishing your assignment, you and your family health, anxiousness,
fear...etc. And i have learnt that becoming a parent takes it to a whole
different level as you have children to care for, the home, your husband,
yourself and most times extended family and it is completely overwhelming.
It is very difficult managing the home when you are stressed, whether
you like it or not as a woman your duty is to keep the house functioning
properly---married or single
To reduce stress as a woman especially a housewife, you need to plan
just like if you were working, because if you run the house without planning
you will find out that are running in circles and end up not achieving
anything. In your plan, take note of the time so that you can be effective in
what you are supposed to do. Some women go visiting friends and be like i will
do this and that when i return, because there was no time tagged in their plan
they get it wrong and begin to complain, before you know it stress sets in, so
tagging time to a specific task in your plan is very important.
Here are some few things i do when am stressed, i hope this helps you
- Focus: When you feel stressed focus on solving the issue that caused it for example if am feeling stressed about physical work at home i take time to plan, i even make a list of what I’ll do and at what time, it really works
- Hydrate and Do Not Stave:
Please try to eat well balance, nutritious diet , never skip breakfast and
always drink lots and lots of water, it reduces the level of stress
- Take deep breaths
- Have a good rest time
- Cleaning the house:
sometimes i clear out the wardrobe and start rearranging it or folding
cloths when i feel am getting stressed from my husband or relative, it
calms my nerves. You can try and see if it works for you, it is just like
taking a walk.
- When i get very stressed i
dip my feet in water, it kind of sends a cooling sensation
- Try Yoga, this one am guilty
of but most of my friends use this
- There is no shame in getting
help when you have tried all you can and yet still feel stressed
Find a way that best suites you to handle stress because you can never
be as effective as you would have if you are stressed and this will tell in
your family.
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