Real Housewives Naija: Wives Never Tell Anyone These Things About Your Husband

Friday, January 15, 2016

Wives Never Tell Anyone These Things About Your Husband

This is a hot topic amongst married women. They hang out with friends and try to get marriage tips and advice, or have fun exchanging stories about funny things their husbands have done. Or have phone conversations about it. It is a problem for both men and women. However some things are to remain secret between you and your spouse in other to avoid damaging your home and family.
My mum will always say stay put and tell it to God, it works every time because “He understands you better than you”  These are some things you should never tell anyone like;
·         Your Sex Life: I mean why should you discuss you sex life with anyone? Why should you tell your friends how your husband is in bed? These same friends will be the very ones to help push you out of your home and take over your husband after all they know all your most personal info and secrets. It should be something personal, just you and your husband and no one else.
·         His fears: Everyone has fears but men hide theirs because they the head and don't want to be one who cannot protect his family. Talking to your friends about it will only make him despise you because they feel their ego has been reduced. Rather than talk about his fears to others, pray about it.
·         His Salary: Of who's concern is it about your husband’s salary? Never bring this out, that’s his pride, whether he has enough or not, keep it to yourself and protect your husband
·         Your Spouse Weakness: You are only creating room for vultures and the evil ones when you expose his weakness. Instead please wives pray because marriage is likened to the church and that is one thing the devil roams to destroy
·        Telling your mother or mother in law how he acts in the marriage: Marriage is between you and your family. What do you gain telling your mum or in-laws how your husband’s act in marriage-praises, petting? Marriage is about maturity and until you learn that, then and only then will you see the beauty in it

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